LipoTherme and LipoControl

LipoTherme is a laser lipolysis technology developed by Osyris Medical. It is a safe and minimally invasive technique that utilizes a laser to liquefy and remove fat in certain areas of the body. Aside from removing excess fat, the thermal effect of LipoTherme causes the skin to contract, resulting in a firmer and smoother appearance which further improves patients’ body shaping objectives.

Heat has been traditionally used as an adjunct in the treatment of some diseases and to promote overall health. LipoTherme is a ground-breaking technique which maximizes the power of laser to generate heat to selectively dissolve unwanted fat and reshape the body. Lipo refers fat, and therme pertains to heat; so LipoTherme is basically the application of low doses of heat to emulsify fat.

During initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss the procedure and help you set realistic expectations. At the same time, the surgeon will conduct a Body Mass Index (BMI) test. The result of which will be used along with other medical information to ascertain the potential outcomes that you can expect. Majority of patients report positive outcomes after the procedure, although the results vary depending on several factors including age, BMI, hormones, and other health indicators.

The procedure involves the insertion of a specially designed cannula under the skin. The cosmetic surgeon then directs a laser beam to the target area as the cannula is moved back and forth. As the laser beam warms the fatty deposits, it produces a thermal effect. Fat cells are known to be very receptive to heat, so they liquefied during the process. The surgeon then aspirates or suctions the liquefied fat cells from the body.

LipoTherme uses a 980 nm wavelength to emulsify fatty deposits under the skin. It offers precision and control so cosmetic surgeons can target even the smallest pockets of fat. But the most significant innovation that Osyris Medical has introduced to the market is their LipoControl technology, which is used in tandem with LipoTherme treatment.  LipoControl offers a real time screen image of the target area, so surgeons can visualize precisely where they are and what they are doing. The procedure utilizes heat imaging in order to map the exact location of the cannula and laser inside it. As the surgeon moves the cannula beneath the skin, the power of the laser strengthens and weakens, and the moment the surgeon stops the movement, LipoControl will deactivate and turn off the laser.

The combination of LipoTherme and LipoControl offers the best results to patients. This type of laser liposuction is ideal for small areas such as the face, neck, parts of the abdomen, back and arms. Just like other laser liposuction techniques, LipoTherme and LipoControl can be performed as outpatient procedures and require the use of a local anesthetic.